RePlace at the Eleventh Plateau
Path from Hydra to Kamini
8th July - 4th September 2011
8th July - 4th September 2011
Opening: Friday 8th July 20:00
Historical Archives Museum / Island of Hydra / Greece
RePlace combines architectural know-how, reusing and various cultural backgrounds. The different stories from the participating architects emerge through their installations and the way they work with materials. The installations encompass a way of detailing, a certain rationalism, conceptualism, mysticism and a fascination with light that are amusingly characteristic of the participating countries.
The Location
The group has chosen the plateau between Hydra town and Kamini as background for their installations. It is a 670m long path between 2 and 15 metres above sea level. It provides a nice stroll along the sea, is long enough for 6 interventions to fit comfortably and can easily be managed without entailing a big effort.
Each architect has chosen a location along the path and has worked out an independent proposal.
The Materials
The group has walked around the island spotting and collecting materials for their installations. They have been mindful in using materials that can be transported by donkey, the main way of transport in the island.
The Team
The architects have sketched a preliminary project and will finish it on site. They will spend a week on Hydra fine-tuning locations, looking for materials and building their intervention. They look forward to the experience exchange but especially to find out what their small contributions have meant for Hydra and its visitors.

The project ELEVENTH PLATEAU examines a meticulous kind of compositional practice in which the machinery of nature and the machinery of art become one, in eleven different sites-terrains in an Is/land of Greece. With the collaboration of architects, environmentalists, archeologists, artists and community involvement an interdisciplinary practice and discourse on the subject of eco-aesthetics, landscape reconstruction and its meaning for traditional cultural heritage will be instigated.
ELEVENTH PLATEAU is a cross-border, site-specific project that aims to practically address the role of art in promoting new and critical ecological thinking and in creating innovative social ecosystems in Europe. The project consists of a series of initiatives including art exhibitions, public interventions, conferences, ongoing discourse, education pilots and a publication, with the collaboration of organizations from eight European countries. Its central mission is to bring together politicians, artists, geographers, ecologists, economists, sociologists, architects and philosophers from across Europe to challenge each others thinking for an enquiry into the critical ecological issues of today and to discuss the shared concerns of these disciplines with regard to fostering new environments and sustainability in a longer term interdisciplinary exchange.
ELEVENTH PLATEAU takes place in collaboration with the Ecological Association of Hydra. Hydra is unique in the world as a vehicleless oasis, thanks to the diachronic presence of the mule and donkey culture in the island.